Electoral violence and democratic governance in Nigeria


  • Saidu Ainoko ABUBAKAR Department of Security and Strategic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi
  • N Liman ABDULLAHI Prof Department of Security and Strategic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi
  • Adamu ABDUL PhD Department of Security and Strategic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi
  • Ahmed Mohammed ADAMA PhD Department of Security and Strategic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi
  • Godwin OBAJE Department of Security and Strategic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi


Democratic Governance, Electoral Credibility, Electoral Violence, Marxist Theory of Conflict


This study examines the impact of electoral violence on democratic governance in Nigeria. The study's specific objectives are to examine the impact of electoral violence on democratic governance and electoral credibility in Nigeria. The study adopts an exploratory research design while content analysis of publicly available archive documents was employed for the analysis. Secondary data were generated via journal publications and other documented materials relevant to the study. The review of literature on the impact of electoral violence on democratic governance revealed that the persistent violence at different elections conducted in Nigeria has greatly undermined, discredited, and emasculated democratic governance in the country. The result showed that electoral violence had a negative influence on electoral credibility in Nigeria. The study concludes that electoral violence has remained a sour taste in Nigeria’s bid for democratic governance in Nigeria. The study also concludes that electoral violence discourages the election of credible leaders and people’s participation in the electoral process thereby militating against electoral credibility in Nigeria. The study recommends the need to reconstruct the security architecture of the country, sanction political leaders, political parties, and individuals who violate electoral laws, tackle the problem of arms proliferation, and embark on political education and enlightenment that will encourage citizens to adhere strictly to democratic tenets. The study recommends a reduction in the financial attractiveness of political offices, and handing down stiffer penalties to perpetrators of electoral violence by the government to deter others from demonstrating such acts in the future.


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How to Cite

ABUBAKAR , S. A., ABDULLAHI Prof, N. L., ABDUL PhD, A., ADAMA PhD, A. M., & OBAJE, G. (2024). Electoral violence and democratic governance in Nigeria. International Journal of Conflict and Security Management, 1(01), 001–014. Retrieved from https://ijsmpcr.com/index.php/ijsmpcr/article/view/53