Author Guidelines

Submitted papers MUST be written in English Language. Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read. Before submission, please make sure that your paper is prepared according to the journal publication format. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors. The following guidelines are to guide authors for the submission of manuscript for publication.

  • The title of the manuscript must be precise, concise and meticulous. Abbreviations should be avoided. The title should be in upper case and not more than 12 words or less and be describing the content of the manuscript. 

  • Complete name (Surname first, follow by other name) and affiliations of the authors should be provided. The authors' affiliation addresses should be below the name. Indicate all affiliations with upper-case superscript letter immediately after the Author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Ensure that the contact details of the authors involving telephone numbers and email address are provided. 

  • Abstract; A concise abstract of not more than 250 words (Excluding Keywords) should be provided. A concise abstract should state the purpose of the research, scope of the study, methodology, findings, conclusion and recommendation. Following the abstract, a list of keywords (not more than 5 words) should be provided. 

  • Fonts should be Times New Roman, font size should be 12, 1.5 line spacing and single line spacing. And space should be added after every paragraph.

  • APA 7th edition reference style should be adopted. References appear at the end of the paper. They should be single spaced and 11 pt font size.