About the Journal

Subjects covered by IJSMPCR for Publication

The Journal covers Arts and Humanities, Sociology, Business Management, Hotel Management, Management, Tourism, Accounting, Decision Science, Education, Economics, Law, Finance, Psychology, Political Science, Physical Education, English Literature, Social Work and History, International Finance, Climate Change Studies, Forensic, Criminology, Security Studies, banking and insurance, econometrics, finance, public relations, economic thought, history of economics, communication studies, public administration, macroeconomics, finance, microeconomics, accounting, organization studies, marketing, advertising, tourism, international economics, international relations, international trade, production and operations management, urban and environmental policies, management information systems and management and strategy.


Benefits of Publishing Research Articles in IJSMPCR

  • International, Peer-Reviewed and Referred Open Access Journal with Valid ISSN
  • Rapid, easy and High Quality Publication
  • High Impact Factor
  • Fast Publication within 4 days
  • Low Article Publication fee (Just 32 USD)
  • Every article published in IJSMPCR will be provided with unique DOI from Cross-ref and Cross ref-mark without any extra charges
  • Free certificate of publication
  • Google Scholar Indexed
  • All articles will be preserved for lifetime at LOCKSS repository
  • Simple mode of submission via e-mail/online
  • Online tracking of articles submitted
  • Open Access to all Articles: Anytime & Anywhere in the world
  • Improved visibility of articles to get more citations
  • Policies of Multidisciplinary, Open Access, Peer Reviewed, International Outreach